by Christine Leuthold
To Keep or Not to Keep?
As a brand evolves, this actually IS a critical question. By selectively keeping and letting go, you create space for your brand to evolve more effectively. The process involves insight, consideration and a view to the future.
Below are 4 things, personal and professional, that I chose to let go — and a set of experiences that that continue to influence me.
What about you? What can you let go of to strengthen your messaging, your core identity, your brand?
- Where: I released a preconceived notion of what and where “home” was and now find myself very much at homeS, living in Los Angeles — as well as New York.
- Who: I also released my last name from my marriage and took back my maiden name, Leuthold. Though not as easy to pronounce, more important for me, it reflects my Swiss-American identity. That said, I kept Eisner too — but as my middle name, which honors an important part of my life — as well as my kids.
- What: Professionally, I let go of my company name a few years ago. This cleared the way for C Insight Group and the continued evolution of work in brand strategy and corporate culture. The rebranding process included creating a new logo and this website, with thanks to Matthew Eisner and others. Check it out here.
- How: As a result of downsizing and a cross country move, I released my morning ‘zen laps’. These daily swims that started each day were where I percolated ideas. As it turns out, my place in Santa Monica has allowed me to reinstate my daily encounters with water, but in a new format consisting of views, walks and rollerblading.
- When: But not everything needs to go by the wayside. Taking place at different times of the year, these happenings continue to be part of my work:
- My spring visits to Esalen Institute in Big Sur have evolved into my position as Co-Director of the Esalen Inspirational Film Festival in May.
- Two more keepers come from my long time affiliation with SCAD — The Savannah Film Festival October and aTVFest in February where I am an active attendee and have presented awards and produced and moderated panels. My SFF panel on Call-to-Action Content: Creating + Funding featured filmmakers and other luminaries in the documentary world. Another, at aTVfest, was a discussion with on-air personalities from Queer Eye and Trading Spaces on Brand Longevity and the Changing Media Landscape.